The 2018 EESC civil society prize: Identities, European Values and Cultural Heritage in Europe

The 2018 EESC civil society prize: Identities, European Values and Cultural Heritage in Europe

In the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, celebrating the wealth and diversity of cultural heritage in Europe, the EESC is launching this year's Civil Society Prize on the theme Identities, European Values and Cultural Heritage in Europe.

The 2018 prize will reward innovative initiatives carried out by civil society organisations and/or individuals on the territory of the EU and aimed at raising awareness of the multiple layers and richness of European identities, exploiting the full potential of Europe's cultural wealth, facilitating access to European cultural heritage and promoting European values (respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law).

The deadline for submitting applications is 7 September 2018.

For more information please visit the web site: